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Wednesday, 24 August 2011

RCA secretary demand unlocking of office

RCA secretary demand unlocking of office
Jaipur: Armed with a court ruling in his favour, Rajasthan Cricket Association Seceratry Sanjay Dixit on Tuesday demanded that he be allowed to work from his office, which has been locked by the rival faction.
The domestic season is round the corner and the Executive Committee of the RCA has urged the rival C.P Joshi faction to unlock the office.

Joshi, RCA President of and a central minister, had suspended Dixit and had appointed KK Sharma in his place at an AGM, claiming that they have majority. They then put their own lock on the RCA office which was already under one lock after the office hours.
Now since July 30 the RCA office is been under double lock despite the fact that the court had quashed the so called AGM called by Joshi faction.
"The Executive Committee had requested to administration to open the lock of the Joshi faction so that the office may function normally. I feel that the Police which have been guarding the office are exceeding its jurisdiction.
"We have a court order in our favor and enjoy majority in the executive committee so where is the confusion now? asked Sanjay Dixit.
"Though we are running the other activities liking holding the camps and sending the teams in normal manner the office should be opened at the earliest," he demanded.
An official of the RCA from Dixit camp took potshots at rival camp.
"We have nothing to lose. Our activities are being run normally but it is for the Joshi faction to ponder why the locks have not been opened even after more than 24 days despite his political clout," he said sarcastically.
Meanwhile in the shadow of the legal tangles Dixit has questioned the appointment of the arbitrator Justice Nagendra Rai by the Joshi faction.
Dixit attended a session by Justice Nagendra Rai and questioned his appointment as it has not been made by the Executive Committee.
"It has been reported in certain sections of the Media that Justice Nagendra Rai has extended a restraint order against Hony. Secretary. It is clarified that such an order has no force in face of an order from competent court.
"He has already been informed that his appointment has not been confirmed by the EC and he is operating without mandate," Dixit said in a press release.


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