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Thursday 13 October 2011

'Improving Pak cricket's image top priority'

Islamabad: Newly-appointed PCB Chairman Zaka Ashraf said improving Pakistan cricket's image, which has taken a beating due to allegations of match-fixing, is his top priority.
"My highest priority will be to improve the image of Pakistan's cricket and stop bookies and match-fixers," he told a TV channel.
"The President (Asif Ali Zardari) has reposed great trust in me and I will work day and night for the sake of country's cricket," he added.
Pakistan cricket has been hit by allegations several times in the past. Most recently, three of its cricketers -- former Test captain Salman Butt and pacers Mohammad Asif and Mohammad Amir -- were banned for being involved in spot-fixing.
The 59-year-old, who took over from Ijaz Butt, said he hoped to see a resumption of bilateral cricketing ties with India soon.
"I am a strong believer of cricket diplomacy and hope that our relations with other cricket playing nations will be strengthened.
"People in both Pakistan and India love cricket so I will try to work for the resumption of ties between the two countries," he said.


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